We are the southwestern Ontario dealer for Schumacher LLC. We can provide all your cutting needs with the Easy Cut II system and parts, croplifters, beanlifters, cutterbars, Pro-drive, guards, wear plates, spacer plates. We can service your Cornhead with 360 Yield Centre’s Chainroll, Yield Saver, and parts. We stock a full line of May Wes poly products including poly snouts, poly skid shoes, stalk stompers, snout savers, auger liners, corn shields, ear savers, poly paddles, poly blades, corn savers, auger wear shoes, poly pickup bands, poly fingers, closing wheels, poly chain guides, elevator poly chains, and moldboard covers. We can supply you with chaffers, elevator chains, and feeder chains from Harvest Services. We are a dealer for Radura knife kits and OEM forged guards.